Thursday, August 03, 2006

New Moon Blog Submissions

Welcome to the New Moon Blog! This is a place for us to talk about the things we see around us--from a girl’s perspective! We’ll post movie and book reviews, news about girls, opportunities for girls, information about what’s happening inside New Moon, and more!

If you’re interested in submitting a post to the blog, read a couple of our posts first to see the type of things we publish here. We’re most likely to use your post if it fits with one of our discussion topics (see list on the right). Make sure to ask a parents’ permission first, then email your submission to Include your complete name, age, and address so we can contact you. (We won’t post your complete name OR address in the blog.) If we post your entry, we’ll email you to let you know.

In the meantime, please read and comment a lot--we want to hear your thoughts!


Tinkerbelle27 said...

Hey New Moon!
I love your magazine! I've been reading it for about two years, and it's so cool to see how it's progressed. Your blog is awesome, too. I'd like to submit a story, and I was wondering if there was a word limit. Thanks!
--Alex, 13

Anonymous said...

Hi New Moon!

I love your magazine! I've been reading it for about a year and a half now, and it's awesome.

I've never had anything published in your magazine-yet-so I really like this blog! Anyone can write on here. Thanks!

-Emily, 13

Anonymous said...

Hi New Moon-ians!

I'm so happy that I can post a comment on your blog, since I have never gotten published in the magazine (which, by the way, is the awesome-est magazine in the world!).

This blog is also cool, so you can keep everyone up-to-date with everything New Moon!

I can't wait to see more! And I am also looking forward to the next issue (I look forward to ALL of the issues, you girls - and guys - are awesome!).

~Delia, 12

Anonymous said...

Dear New Moon,
Your Write to Congress magazine issue really brought some things to my attention that I had been unaware of before. I also noticed that many girls were not happy about the lack of women in politics. My message to these girls is this: YOU can be the first woman president. YOU can run for congress someday. YOU can become Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Don't look at the small number of female politicians as something to discourage you, make it an incentive to get there!

Anonymous said...

Hey New Moon! I starting reading New Moon about a year ago on my birthday. It is SO awsome.

I agree with Keara, why do people call girls sluts? After all, it take TWO people to _____.

I think it is really sad that there has never been a female or african american president. I feel the first female president would also be very sad- how many years have we been a country? And only NOW is there a female president?

Ada, 11

Anonymous said...

I think this is a really cool blog space! Actually, New Moon is great so I was not expecting anything less**
So, I want to talk about weight. I am a thin (but healthy) girl of the age of 13 and I was talking to my mother about people. It started out okay but we got to the matter of my family. My aunt was born a little big and has tried everything to get thin, the problem is that she was just born big bodied. why should we try to change ourself for our looks? I am really happy with myself just cause I am a happy person. Not for what I look like. Have a good time in life.

New Moon said...

Welcome to our blog! I'm glad you enjoy what you've found so far!

Anonymous said...

This is so awesome that you are leaving blogs up for people to write!
This gives girls who didn't get their article submitted a chance to voice their opinion! Thanks! Keep up the terrific work!

Anonymous said...

Just wondering, for submissions by email do we include our home address or email address? Thanks, and I love this blog!

Sarah, 12

New Moon said...

You just need to include your complete name, age, city, state, and email.

Anonymous said...

I think that it is so important for everyone to know that being young girls doesn't mean we can't have some kind of impact on thw world. We are part of the human race too, and without us the world would be incomplete.

Anonymous said...

I love new moon magazine It's my favorite magazine! It;s more better than POP star or Tiger beat

Anonymous said...

Yes i like newmoon magazine because It's a place for ordinary girls like us. So, we can be heard to.

Anonymous said...

New Moon makes me feel very appreciated! I love that!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

New Moon is somewhat weird to talk about with my friends because I think I'm the only one going through puberty. My friends' parents won't allow them to have magazines like New Moon. I feel kind of scared!

Scardy Cat

James, Frances said...

New Moon is the best magazine!Even better than AG!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

hi i luv new moon! i just started so i do not really understand stuff so help me here! umm i just wanted 2 say that new moon is the coolest maggazine ever so thanks new moon!lol!

Anonymous said...

hello i just wanna say thank u new moon even though i just like just started getting new moon it helps so much! 1 day i had had a bad day and my maggazine came i read it and i was happy! thanks!

Anonymous said...

Hey New Moon,
my mom just subscribed me to new moon, and i haven't gotten my first copy yet! but i already can tell how awesome new moon is, having looked over my older sis's old issues. i have always loved to read and write, this is the perfect mag for me! soon, i am gonna write a letter or post, and with luck, it will be posted! lol
thanks for making the perfect mag, better than those dumb gossip ones, with rumors about famous people! Yeah for New Moon!

Anonymous said...

Hey New Moon,
I think it would be cool to have a New Moon chat room. I think so because New Moon fans could talk to each other about articles, come up with new article ideas together, make new friends and give each other advice. Thanks for listening to my idea!

kayaker said...

I love New Moon because it is so unique and different from other magazines. It is accepting of everybody no matter their culture, shape, size, religion, looks, or beliefs! Plus a lot more!! I like how I can relate to most of the articles and how I feel accepted. I also love the atmosphere the reader gets from New Moon. You rock New Moon!! Keep up the good work!!

New Moon said...

Actually, we DO have a New Moon chatroom where girls can help brainstorm ideas and talk about the articles in New Moon. To get into the chatroom, you have to be part of the CAB (Computer Advisory Board). To learn more, visit Hope to chat with you soon!

Anonymous said...

I am reading Chicken Soup for aTeenage soul about FRIENS but this year i am leaving school and I haven´t told my friends about it and i think i am going to loose my friend do you think so

Rheannon Lyons said...

Hey...Just checking your blog out--Thanks for making it!
a four year new moon reader,
age 13

Anonymous said...

hey! I just subscribed to New Moon, and even though I haven't gotten my first issue yet, I've been checking out the website (obviously...) and I just wanna say NEW MOON ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(age 11, now going into middle school! school ended today! yay!)

Anonymous said...

I got my 1st issue!
~HaNnAH! (:

sillychihuaua!!! said...

i left school to be home schooled and me and my friends are still kickin. were going to get to gethere this weekend

Gabi Silver said...

Whoo-hoo! Go new moon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

omg! new moon is soo cool! i know u get a lot of letters and comments saying this but it really is! u are one of the two magizines i subscribe to! GO NEW MOON!

Anonymous said...

Hi newmoon its great you made this great new web site its really cool i have a blog alrighty how can i let other girls see it? thanks!!!!!!!=D=D=D=D -Veronica, 10

P.S. You guys rock =D

P.P.S bye!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey New moon,

I love your magazine and I love all the blogs I see here. Many people have been sharing their thoughts and opinions and many people answer those questions but, the children made a hudge dissigen about telling there opinions and haveing the courage that people have today its good that these children speek up and also that the girls love to here from each other and I just love the way that everyone can handle seeing that someone dissagrees with there thoughts. I am new to new moon and I love it all ready! :)

Anonymous said...

I am getting my issue in January!!!!! I am soo excited i have heard how good the magazine is LOVE ALL OF THE COMMENTS!!

_Madi 9

Anonymous said...

hi i just wanted 2 say that i luv new moon & it rox!!!! =D

Anonymous said...

I LOVE NEW MOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT ROX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

hola newmoon!
just wanted to say hi and stuff. i was once in the ask a girl collom of the magazine. i gave advice. i was so excited mine was in the magazine. thank you so much newmoon! o and i would like to meet someone on here. we could be blog buddies. lol! but i am going to my first sleepaway camp on the 14th for 3 weeks so can't talk for a while. but when i get back. :)