Friday, April 22, 2005

Girls Weigh in on Antiboy Shirts

I invited the Beautiful Girls and their nominators to weigh in on the antiboy t-shirts that are popular right now. Here's some insight from 13-year-old Emily: "Yes, some guys are jerks, but so are some girls. The important thing is not to make sweeping generalizations about it. Rather than being nasty and deciding 'I don't like boys,' girls should be at least making an effort to connect with guys. [Antiboy t-shirts] tell girls that it's okay to be mean to someone they don't understand. It's the same as judging someone by their looks. It's a cop-out." What do you think? Feel free to post a comment.

In other news, Bryce, a 9-year-old honored as one of New Moon's "25 Beautiful Girls" this year, is featured in the Leavenworth Times today. "No matter how a person looks, if they act ugly or mean it makes them that way," Bryce says. "Looks aren't everything."

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