Thursday, August 02, 2007

One in Three

Amnesty International recently released a report that showed how indigenous women (in America) are 2 times as likely as other women to be sexually assaulted. So about one in three of indigenous women will be abused in her lifetime. Now, because of the report, the House of Representatives has set aside $1 million to create "a tribal sex offender registry" and $1 million to fund a study about the violence against indigenous women. "This vote is an important step toward justice for Native American and Alaska Native women," said Larry Cox who is the Executive Director of Amnesty's US section, "But more needs to be done."

  • Lifetime rate of rape/attempted rape for women, according to the Prevalence, Incidence and Consequences of Violence Against Women Survey:
    All: 17.6%
    White: 17.7%
    Black: 18.8%
    Asian/Pacific Islander: 6.8%
    American Indian/Alaskan: 34.1%
    Mixed Race: 24.4%
I know this isn't the happiest of posts, but I thought it was good to know that the government is at least doing something. You can read the article here.

Peace, friends.

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