Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Natalia published by PBS NewsHour!

I'm excited to announce that Natalia's commentary on President Bush's recent address is featured prominently as a student editorial on the PBS NewsHour Extra website. It's called "U.S. Military Strategies Ignore Iraqi Girls' Rights," and it's on the "Speak Out!" page. Check it out!

Natalia says, "I hadn't heard about NewsHour's website before, but I'm enjoying discovering it. It's a great forum for students to speak out on political issues. The website includes a page on how to get your commentary published by NewsHour Extra."

Congratulations, Natalia--what an honor! I hope lots more girls submit their political opinions to our blog and to NewsHour Extra. Good luck!


Anonymous said...

Great Job, Natalia!

Anonymous said...

Nobody should ignore any girls
rights iraqui or not.