Do you ever receive unexpected guidance from the world around you? Like a stop sign when you're in the middle of worrying about something that you know there's a solution to if you just stop and take a breather? Maybe something even sillier--for me it's the opening line "Take a deep breath" when I open up the communication software Skype. Or perhaps you see a word suddenly shift before your eyes--the word "guidance," for example. One day, I was staring at it, and I suddenly realized that guidance has the word "dance" in it. It really is a dance, receiving guidance from anyone or anything. To take it in, you have to take part, the way dancers interact on the stage for it to be a true performance.
Or maybe it's inspiration that appears when you least expect it. Staring at an acorn, and you suddenly realize it's a great setting for your next adventure story--what would an acorn be like to live in if you were a tiny made-up character? Or the way sunlight falls on the floor of your room. That shape looks just like... And then you go off and have the solution to your geometry problem.
I want to hear your unexpected epiphanies or guidances or leadings or inspirations! Goofy, sure, but we can all use the break to take a look around and realize that there's more to the world than meets the eye. And you never know--sharing your leading may just get someone going on their latest fascination!
Wishing you many words shifting before your eyes, Elizabeth!