What are some things you can do to help prevent school violence? Here are some helpful tips from http://loveourchildrenusa.org/bullying.php
Teachers and parents have a special responsibility for looking after kids – especially helping you if you’re being bullied at school. It’s not so easy to identify a bully. Is the bully really being hostile and aggressive toward you or are they just having what they call ‘fun?’
When someone is bullied at school, your friends and acquaintances usually know what is going on. Even though they’re not involved they know it’s happening. Adults can’t always tell and need your help in order to help you or your friends.
All members of a school community — whether they’re kids or teachers, have a responsibility to help kids who are being bullied. You and your friends must speak out against the bullies.
- Nobody has the right to hurt anyone else by hitting them, calling then names
or doing anything which is hurtful.- Bullying is wrong – no matter how old you are.
- If an adult is bullying you or trying to make you do something you think is
wrong, it is imperative that you tell someone immediately.
New Moon is a place for girls to feel safe and free to talk about what is on their minds. Bullying and school violence are scary, but they become less scary when we talk about them. We invite you to share your thoughts or fears about school violence, whether it is someone bringing a gun to school or someone stealing your lunch money. School should be a safe place for every student, but schools won’t become safer unless we all start talking about it! Please share your thoughts by leaving a comment or emailing blog@newmoon.org
I agree that this "blame the victim" mentality, when it comes to bullying or anything else, has got to STOP. People need to realize that being bullied and feeling unsafe can have long-term, devastating effects, and we ALL have a responsibility to make sure others don't suffer. Thanks for your comment.
my little sister and little brother (i'm the oldest) went to school last year and they both got bullyed alot.
my little brother has autisum so kids called him dumb and stupid and sometimes hit him. worst thing is the teachers wouldent really do anything. my little sister (his older brother) tryed to stick up for him. once a little girl my sis didint even know walked up to her and told her that her brother was a stupid idiot who didint know anything. my sister burst into tears and said "he's not stupid! he's alot smarter than you'll ever be!". my sister got bullyed to for diffrent reasons.
they dont go to that school anymore and none of my other little sibs ever will.
the teachers never did anything about the bullying. they blamed it all my little brother and said that he provoked them and that it's all his fault.
I'm so sorry that this happened to your siblings. It's terrible that the teachers didn't do anything to help. I'm glad that you guys stuck up for each other and that none of your other siblings will have to go to that school.
i really hope that my brother and sister dont suffer any long term damage from the stuff that they went through at school. that is why were all homeschooling this year. there's to much stuff that happens at a public or private school. lockdowns, your friend commiting suicide, mean girls, mean boys. people dont realize that that stuff is starting to happen in Elementry schools and middle schools. i tryed to go to a public school for choir but i'm not going to go again b/c of to much drama and the some of things listed above.
thanks so much for listening New Moon.
-Hurting For My Sibs
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